This is the last entry of the season. We are leaving on holidays and are eager to. We need them. This course has been really challenging and disconnecting will allow us to start the 3rd term with a positive energy. But we cannot leave without books, as they are part of the necessary company which provides pleasure. When I close my eyes, all those pleasurable moments are beside a book: the morning at the beach, little moments on the hammock before taking a nap, a sunset at the terrace, looking at the sea. And I hope many of you will imagine those sweet breaks by a book and I will leave you with a compilation of all the novelties we have highlighted each week in case you have missed any. I encourage you to go buy them and fill your bags. Do not forget them, as they will help you enjoy your well-deserved rest. Have a great summer! We will return in September, with new books and, above all, with a smile, which was never gone, thanks to our great travel companions: THE BOOKS.
Here is the list with the titles that we have talked about throughout the year:
Barcelona demà o aquesta tarda
Abril descubre el mar y los helados de fresa
Ninguna de nosotras tendrá compasión
Tener suerte en la vida depende de ti