If I were to ask you if Robin Hood was a thief, almost all of you would answer yes, since he was, but if I were to go a little further and ask you if Robin Hood was a bad person, I think there would be a diversity of opinions, since he stole from the rich to give to the poor, and in the end, they have shown him to be a good guy, shameless and rogue but a good-hearted guy. Although we all know that one shouldn’t steal, because the end doesn’t justify the means, when I read Sebastià Bennasar’s new novel EL REI DE LA CERDANYA, published by Capital Books, its main character, Martí Cots, who exists and is not a fictional character, reminded me a little of that Robin Hood in his most beastly version. Martí, called by many el Rambo of the Cerdanya, has been wreaking havoc among the police for almost three decades. He has been in and out of prison several times for petty crimes to defend against outside intruders, what he has always called his kingdom, La Cerdanya. Once again, reality surpasses fiction and this character who seems to have come out of a film, exists, and has managed to be seen by the police as one of the most difficult fugitives to capture. He is capable of living in the open, overcoming the low temperatures of the area, hiding in the most inhospitable mountains of the Pyrenees and with the sole purpose of defending a territory. Hero or villain? Decide for yourselves!