If nowadays there is still the need to claim the role of women in many areas in society, imagine what had to be done during the Medieval Era so women could have a valued role in society. Most of the women accepted their secondary role at men’s service, but there has always been restless, brave, determined and rebel women. One of the few trades women regularly carried out outside the home was assistance to birth. The midwife work was known, during the Medieval Era, like an exclusive or sometimes complementary task in the life of these women. The babysitters and nursemaids from the well-of classes could also be professionals. During the 12th century different advice to carry out these tasks were gathered in texts named Trotula, where a lot of information about women’s medicine was compiled. The texts of la Trotula are considered the “the most popular montage of materials about feminine medicine since the late 12th until the 15th century”.
The lead character of Frost hair, the new novel of Teresa Sagrera, published by Columna, was a healer, midwife that lived in Vila Major in the 14th century. A woman chased for being a witch and poisonous sought shelter in the Castle of Montsoriu, property of one of the most powerful line of the principality. There she meets Bernat II, viscount of Cabrera who became the first consultant of Pere III, the king of the Aragón crown. Often life proves that a very thin thread separates glory from defeat, and envy and the fight for the power can change people’s lives in the blink of an eye.
A classic cut historical novel, where the feminine character has a lot to tell, where there is a love story and all the necessary ingredients to captivate the readers that like this era so much. Thanks to Teresa Sagrera we can discover the castles of that zone (situated in the Montseny), the rural life and the society, always divided between nobles and commoners.