After his latest novel, LA MUJER QUE NO SABÍA LLORAR (The Woman Who Couldn’t Cry, published by Columna/Destino), Gaspar Hernández returns to the bookstores with LA LLIBERTAT INTERIOR (Inner Freedom, published by Columna/Diana). In this new book, between the essay and the diary, the author explains that true freedom is inner freedom and that through it we can achieve happiness.
How can we be free? Gaspar tries to answer this question by giving us some guidelines that will help us achieve this goal. Based on what the great psychologists and spiritualists have said, this book dismantles the obstacles that prevent us from being free, such as fear, our daily thoughts and the demands that we have on ourselves. If I had wanted to underline the important quotes in the book, it would have been all painted orange, since everything this author writes would have to be framed in order to remember it always. I think it is important to make a special mention of one of the sentences at the beginning of the book: “Today I know that thought serves to think about life, not to live it“. I think it’s an excellent quote because we all need to be aware of the thousands of thoughts that make us anxious. The present moment is the only space of freedom we have.
LA LLIBERTAT INTERIOR is a great gift. Gaspar Hernández, with a close tone, explains to us that, as much as it may seem impossible, freedom without limits is within everyone’s reach. We only need to discover who we really are, as this way we can be freer and, consequently, happier. Thank you, Gaspar, for these useful words and for making us see that we cannot continue to live limited by our thoughts.