If you look up in the dictionary the word FREEDOM, you will find the following: faculty or right people have to choose in a responsible way their own path of acting inside a society.
Reading Alejandro Palomas’ new novel, you can feel the freedom of his characters in such a forceful way that you end up almost with the need to fly, to feel the wind in your cheeks and to do what your body tells you to do. We know all his worlds stir the most important thing in human beings, our feelings, and in this novel, not only does it stir them, but it also brings you wings to follow our dreams and be free.
I cannot deny that Alejandro Palomas, in the new world he created, in which he tells the story of a friendship between a mature man and woman has amazed me greatly. Jon, an elephant caretaker and Edith, widow of Andrea and mistress of eleven cats, live in an abandoned village. Lonely neighbors at first and then good friends, neither one of them can imagine that the night in which the vane of the bell tower turns on itself, the eye of time is placed above the village and the life of both is about to turn with it.
The love between an orphan man and a silent elephant named Susi, a Japanese girl with a bird name who speaks with flamingos, a mother and a daughter who search for each other since the time distracted them, a grandfather whose family spell will be law, one hour at night- the tremulous hour- in which everything happens, and everything stays. A land with your name is the bravest dream of two souls that strive to make the world into a better place. A story about LOVE in capital letters, about honesty with one’s dreams and about freedom taken to its purest expression.
Every time that Alejandro hands over to me his new manuscript I feel dizzy because I know it will stir something inside me. This novel had me falling in love because of so many small things, which are actually huge, that I do not know how to explain the way I felt when I finished it. Like each of Alejandro Paloma’s books, it has left a deep feeling inside me which is difficult to explain and I need time to digest it. A great novel written by this author who is pure emotion and when you get into his world, it is impossible to get out, not because you cannot, but because you do not want to.