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Author: Sandra Bruna Thursday 8 March 2018

Today, March the 8th, is International Woman’s day. Many women have not attended their Jobs to pursue and fight for that equality we’ve been raised with, at least my generation. An equality which, to be honest, is more than obvious it doesn’t exist. However Woman’s day, for me, is every single day, because we are born fighters, tight-rope walkers, jugglers, anything to reach the infinite and go beyond. Anything to be good at our jobs, better at home and, obviously, keeping our looks on point. Days should be 48 hours long, and even so, I’d need some more… but somehow I make it work, and I definitely succeed. I must make everything click, and the good thing amongst all of this is to stop and wonder whether you are doing it because you have to or because you want to, that is the key. If you do it because you want to, no comments to make, I’m sure you feel great about it, strong enough and with the energy to reach the infinite. But, if you are doing it just because you have to, perhaps there is the little problem, mistake or, you name it, that creates this permanent dissatisfaction. Have you ever thought about it?

I’m sure women as the main characters of the novels we have presented in our blog, would have had a thought. All, strong, empowering women, who have succeeded, who have reached the top. Mia, in LO QUE SUCEDIÓ CUANDO ME ROMPISTE EL CORAZÓN overcomes though times through her strength. Nía, in CICATRICES DE CHAROL, fights for her ideals, IRINA aims to begin all over again, Amalia, in UN AMOR, preaches for her family and Blanca Luz, in EL COLOR DE LA LUZ, for true love. They are all brave, they are all strong, they struggle, sometimes, but they keep looking forward towards the end of the finishing line, as the majority of women I know, and admire, we celebrate this day every day, doing what we want to do, doing it from the heart, with conviction, with love.

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