This week the blog will be published, and I will be at the Frankfurt fair. After two years without being able to attend because of the darn pandemic, we are back to the fair of fairs.
Those of you who know me well, know that fairs are not my favourite thing, because I have already been to lots of them, and the years and the fatigue weigh on me. However, the pandemic has taught us lessons that are worth remembering, and one of them is that fairs are necessary because this business is about people. I have missed them, so today I am writing this blog before getting on the plane and I confess that I feel the excitement in my stomach. The thought of seeing my editor friends from all over the world again, whom I have only been able to see on screen for two years, makes me especially happy; as well as giving them a big hug, because my job is to be in contact with people. And as this job pushes you to the limit every month, all tips are welcome. Our goal is to reach our top every month, and every 1st of the following month we are back at the foot of the mountain to climb to the top again. How can we withstand the pressure? With books like the ones, I am going to recommend today.
This will be my 26th fair, minus the two during the pandemic and the one after 9/11, which made me terrified of flying. I confess that the work of relaxation and overcoming anxiety every time I have gone to these fairs has been immense. My self-demanding nature has always provoked anticipatory anxiety and it is complicated to overcome it, which is why today’s blog makes more sense than ever. Ferran Cases, an expert in anxiety, sold more than 40,000 copies of his previous book, EL CEREBRO DE LA GENTE FELIZ (THE BRAIN OF HAPPY PEOPLE), and it has been translated into more than five languages. He himself, who explained to me what anxiety is and how to control it, publishes this week EN LA CUMBRE DE LA FELICIDAD, an inspiring, simple, and exquisite story that gives you the keys to understand what happens when you feel anxious, so you can live in serenity, connect with your life purpose, and achieve happiness. Following the experience of the protagonist and the knowledge provided by his companions, you will discover how anxiety works, breathing and meditation methods, physical relaxation techniques and many other essential resources to enjoy a serene life.
Manuals are very useful, but I have always thought that when somebody tells you a story, there is always more to it. That is why Ferran has decided to share this story with us: to give us more tools to help us overcome anxiety.