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Author: Sandra Bruna Wednesday 5 December 2018

December is here, so Christmas is definitely coming. Streets are fully decorated, they shine with lights and everything seems better, or at least that’s what we try. I like these days and I don’t wanna lose my Christmas soul, but as I grow older, I feel that somehow I’m not as excited as I used to be, because everyday I am more aware of the world we live in, and even though we look happier during Christmas, everything turns blue again right after. Magic disappears and almost nothing has been really true. It seemed that even people smiled more often, but we turn off the lights and also our smiles. It seemed that people looked more after the others, but we turn off the lights and we are not even capable of looking at each other’s eyes. So this kind of Christmas is not good enough for me: I’d rather a more stable society, where real feelings would lead us every day, not only these fifteen days and like a mandatory thing.

However, I still feel that my Christmas is special because that’s how it has been since I was a child, so I try that the Christmas I used to spend in family stays the same all the year with family, friends and workmates. That’s why I wish to share with you our Advent Calendar we’ve designed to recommend you a book everyday, and not only for Christmas. Because a present is given whenever we want to, to say thank you or ask for forgiveness. A book is always a great fellow traveler and a wonderful gift, without the need to celebrate a special day. So let me introduce you the first four numbers of our calendar:

1st of December: ‘THE TEMPLE OF THE HEART’ by Lola Sorribes: to those who wish to get over a break-up or those who wish to help those who suffer it. The Temple of the Heart is an inspirational book that has been included in the ‘Más Leer’ list as one of the bests to recover from a love pain.

2nd of December: ‘LUNA AND THE BODILESS’ by Ana Alonso: the most successful YA fantasy serie. And there’s more… It includes an app with stories that complement the paper book! + 12 years old.



3rd of December: AS WE WERE by Sílvia Tarragona. As we were is capable of explaining those truly important in our lives, which don’t depend on our luck or the fluctuations of a changing heart. The important things are the relationships we have been building for years: friends, partens, maybe couple (not in this book) against the volatile workmates or unstable lovers. The human relationships are proven with perseverance, love and friendship during years.

4th of December: 18 MONTHS AND ONE DAY by Paz Castelló: a novel about the abuse behaviour, a very intense psychological thriller.

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