In a society that keeps us constantly distracted through social networks, where we are always moving from one place to another, just surfing the web, people suffer more because they do not know themselves. In this society of haste, where pain is avoided, more pain is generated. In Europe, one in three adults has developed anxiety or depression during the pandemic, and among young people, one in two.
That is why books like TU CEREBRO EMOCIONAL are so necessary.
The word “emotion” comes from the Latin emovere, which means to move outward, to shake, to transport, to make the soul vibrate. Emotion drives us and makes us take action. Today we know that the heart has more than 40,000 neurons and a two-meter magnetic field that comes into contact with the magnetic field of another person’s heart. If they vibrate together, you can feel it, and if something goes wrong, it lets you know. So the heart and emotions are intelligent. You could say they are our first brain, despite what Descartes says.
Emotions are like compasses in our lives. They always help us to go in the right direction, if we are willing to listen to them. With this book you will learn to go where your emotions take you; you will start a journey in which your emotions will be your guiding lights, the compasses to achieve physical and mental well-being. Life alternates between easy and difficult times, but when you have a compass to guide you, the journey can be easier, lighter and more satisfying.
One of my favorite movies is Inside Out, and in an interview on Instagram that I saw this weekend, Marin Rojas Estapé recommends it to have a better understanding of our emotions, which is what psychologist Monia Presta also aims to do with her book TU CEREBRO EMOCIONAL.
Monia explains that emotions are neither negative nor positive. They are simply there. In this book, she introduces you to the way they work and shows you that they are your allies. If you accept them, they will guide you to make the right decisions.
With her Strategic Integrative Therapy (the TIE method, by its acronym in Spanish) the author provides you with psychological tools and practical psychophysical exercises to understand your emotions and feel them naturally. As she makes changes in her life, she shows you how her patients evolve and achieve psychophysical well-being. Discover how your emotional brain works at a neuroscientific level, and how to manage your emotions to transform your life and become a happy, free and empowered person.