Paz Castelló, writer of already 4 novels, comes back with a new one, La llave 104, also radical, where a woman is once again the main character. Power, success and money seems to be great enemies of honesty and many people who come to have it all become corrupt, specially when it’s all about politics, where everyone fights to keep his chair, to stand out, and not precisely for the teamwork. Paz Castelló has written an amazing thriller in her own personal style. The protagonist, Virginia Rives, enters the world of politics and she’s trapped by this net; she’s capable of anything in order to satisfy her own ambition: reinvent herself and escape from her past. A difficult past, obviously, which Virginia wishes to forget and prove herself she can be someone else. She discovers what it’s like to be fully involved in this world and how hard it is to control that feeling of “wanting more”, while at the same time she learns that in politics plans never come out as expected, especially when interests are marked by money and power.
This is a novel that exposes political corruption and that’s why it may feel uncomfortable to deal with, but which, at the same time, makes the reader think about what happened in the last decade in our country and about the limits we, as human beings, have to be able to control something as uncontrollable as the ambition. I think that many readers will like this book where Paz, after her own experience in the politics, has proven herself to be brave again and reveal what the political parties can do to achieve personal goals rather than common purposes, as it should be but it’s not the case. The answers to almost all these questions are safe behind the locks opened by the key 104… Or perhaps not.
I admire Paz for many things, because she’s a natural fighter, someone who chases her dreams because she believes they can be fulfilled. A brave woman, with a strong personality, and her books cannot escape a critical view of the world. She knows how to balance perfectly the mystery with the sensibility, something very difficult to find in the publishing scenario today. For this reason, she deserves that we find a space for this different and addictive voice. Happy to be able to share a new adventure with her, and that I hope you will enjoy and recommend so that we can continue growing in the publishing world, which is not easy, but at least it has this positive ingredient of doing what you love, and Paz does what she’s passionate about, and this can be seen in each of her works.