This last weekend has been very sad. A friend, an author from the agency, died suddenly from a heart attack. He was cheerful, nice and was always doing a thousand things: organizing literary events, helping other people, writing, and working to make a living that could allow him to write (because, in this country, almost no one can live by being only a writer —the truth is that only a few make it). That’s where he put all his energy: into his literature. He told us that he knew he had to slow down, but he didn’t, and life has done it for him. Being stressed out, wanting to do everything, not putting any limits, all of this comes with a cost, and I feel such sadness that I couldn’t say goodbye to him. My schedule is always tight and I can barely take a break. I couldn’t even call him after summer and wish him a great start to the academic year. We’ll miss you, José Manuel, and I truly thank you for giving us that smile and that positive spirit that was such a characteristic part of you. I won’t forget you and I know that, wherever you are, you’ll be fine and you’ll be a good guide, my friend from the stars.

The truth is that news like this make you reflect, though they also shock you and make you wonder what life are you leading. However, we don’t listen to ourselves and we’re always moving forward, thinking that things like this won’t happen to us, but José Manuel also thought like this, and he’s not here anymore. So, let’s try to live life intensely but calmly, although that might seem like a contradiction –which it isn’t. Let’s find time for ourselves, to enjoy what we really like, and let’s make room for those things that let us disconnect. Many of us like doing sports, and personally it’s changed my life to practice it. Nonetheless, there are also lots of mistakes that are made while practicing them, because even though we all know it’s really good for us, sometimes we don’t know what is our limit. For this reason, the book EL LÍMITE ES TU SALUD (Your Health is the Limit), by Emma Roca, published by Zenith in Spanish and Ara Llibres in Catalan, is a basic tool for all of those who practice sport, from beginners to professionals. Emma has competed for more than 20 years at an international level, in total she’s run 170,000km, which is like doing eight laps around the world by bike or 4,000 marathons, and in each one of these kilometers she’s managed to test her physical and mental limits to conquer every single challenge.
This book has all her knowledge and experience so you can reach your goals, whichever ones you have, small as they might seem. Health plays a key role to reach your desired goal, and it’s completely indispensable to prepare the body on the inside and the outside, so it doesn’t fail you when you need it the most. If you like doing sports and you want to get better at it or you want to start moving your body, here you’ll find the best training tips, along with advice about when to rest and what to eat, the three fundamental parts to make everything work –we can’t forget effort, perseverance and motivation. Attitude is always important, and without it we wouldn’t get up from our chair, but let’s not forget our health. Only if we have the whole pack we’ll be able to enjoy at its fullest, but within our limits, the sport we like the most.
I don’t even think about a life without doing sports, but after reading Emma’s book, I also don’t think about one without taking care of myself, because elite athletes aren’t the only ones that should do it –we all must do it. And we should do it not only because we like to work out, but in order to live peacefully and without letting stress freeze our thought.