2019 is here. This year that ends has been a challenging one, with a lot of changes and a bit turbulent, but I don’t have a bad taste in my mouth. In spite of everything, I don’t believe things happen without a reason. There is always a reason, and this is a roller coaster that I had to ride if I wanted to bring new things and people to my life, in order to pursue the goal I always had in mind. So I feel kind of grateful for this “shake me”; otherwise, I couldn’t face the new year with energy and surrounded by people that I have chosen.
Now you will find all the Advent Calendar that we’ve been opening day by day until the 24th, where everything finishes and starts. We are already in the home straight for the Christmas celebrations, so let’s be optimistic, let’s bring the positive things of 2018 and let’s forget the bad ones. Let’s set amazing goals for the 2019, which we will achieve if we pursue them with tenacity, strength, hope and attitude. And now, don’t forget to write the letter to the Three Wise Mean but here’s my tip: the best gift is a hug, a smile, saying I love you to someone and of course, a book.
Happy 2019.
1st of December: ‘THE TEMPLE OF THE HEART’ by Lola Sorribes
to those who wish to get over a break-up or those who wish to help those who suffer it. The Temple of the Heart is an inspirational book that has been included in the ‘Más Leer’ list as one of the bests to recover from a love pain.

2nd of December: ‘LUNA AND THE BODILESS’ by Ana Alonso
The most successful YA fantasy serie. And there’s more… It includes an app with stories that complement the paper book! + 12 years old.

3rd of December: AS WE WERE by Sílvia Tarragona.
As we were is capable of explaining those truly important in our lives, which don’t depend on our luck or the fluctuations of a changing heart. The important things are the relationships we have been building for years: friends, partens, maybe couple (not in this book) against the volatile workmates or unstable lovers. The human relationships are proven with perseverance, love and friendship during years.

4th of December: 18 MONTHS AND ONE DAY by Paz Castelló
A novel about the abuse behaviour, a very intense psychological thriller.

5th of December: HOTEL METROPOLE by Sebastià Bennassar
Sebastià Bennassar goes back to Lisbon, one of his favorite scenes, and brings us a contemporary novel about the role of the CIA and the spy women during the Cultural Cold War. Hotel Metropole was the most sold book at the Catalan Books Week in Mallorca (2018).

6th of December: OBAGA by Albert Villaró
We bring back a classic! Mystery, corruption and humour in this crime novel settled in the rural world.

7th of December: PATENT-LEATHER SCARS by Berta Pichel
A wonderful love story set in the dawn of the Spanish Civil War.

8th of December: THE WHISPERER by Malenka Ramos
Who doesn’t love a horror story? A truly different kind of horror! A book that was chosen to be presented at the Sitges Film Festival to study its screen adaptation.

9th of December: Bye Cinecittà by Julián Comas
For the cinema lovers, a historical fiction that memorates the most successful and great cinema events through a love story.

10th of December: PEQUEÑO CURSO DE MAGIA COTIDIANA by Anna Sólyom and Francesc Miralles
The everyday happiness can be found in our little rituals, which we are often not aware of. This book is an invitation to be happy with the little moments.

11th of December: WHAT HAPPENED WHEN YOU BROKE MY HEART by Rocio Carmona
A novel that will make you cry and laugh, a book that will teach you that a broken heart can beat again.

12th of DECEMBER: The Spring’s Epidemic by Empar Fernández
A perfect portrait of the World War and the epidemic worldwide known as the Spanish Flu in the 1918. An amazing story where passion and love seem to be the only answer and the only cure.

13th of DECEMBER: THOUGH THE BOLTED DOOR by Sonia Fernández-Vidal
The book reached the position No. 4 in the best seller list of the children and young adult titles of Amazon.es, after Harry Potter and Stardust. There is no doubt that quantum physics is one of the HOT topics of the moment!

14th of December: A SON by Alejandro Palomas
His most special book. Guille is a quiet boy who is always smiling. He has only one friend. But this serenity hides a fragile world and a mystery to solve. The pieces are a father living a crisis, a missing mother, a curious teacher and a psychologist willing to understand what Guille hides.

15th of December: THE RICHEST MAN IN THE WORLD by Rafael Vídac
An inspirational book that will change your destiny. This month has arrived to Mexico and it is already the most sold book in the country.

16th of December: THE PATHS OF LIGHT by Coia Valls
Undoubtedly, one of the greatest books of the year. The first book ever that tells the life of Louis Braille and that is catching the media attention. An amazing inspirational story.

17th of December: IKIGAI by Héctor Garcia and Francesc Miralles
the Japanese secrets for a long and happy life. The international bestseller with 42 translations and 1.000.000 copies sold.

18th of December: NO WAY BACK by Susana Rodríguez
The first of the crime trilogy that is followed by ‘Cold debts’ and ‘I will see you tonight’. The books have been included in the 100 ‘Most Sold Crime and Thriller Books’ List.

19th of December: THE THIEF OF MINUTES by David Lozano
Can you imagine that the day of your birthday disappears on the calendar? An amazing book for the youngest ones!

20th of December: THE WOMAN WHO DIDN’T KNOW HOW TO CRY by Gaspar Hernández
A novel about emotions and the necessity to open up on them. A psychological narrative on sexual problems and the disorder called Alexitimia. Rights sold to Bulgria and Greece.

21th of December: I COULD HAVE SAVED LORCA by Víctor Amela
A history about memory and regrets. The book brings back the anonymous life of Manuel Bonilla, Victor’s grandfather, who will cross the miserable Alpujarra, the Federico Garcia Lorca’s Granada and the Spain of the postwar to the current Barcelona.

22th of December: THE OLD LADY WHO CROSSED THE WORLD ON A BICYCLE by Gabri Ródenas
This sweet and positive fable is an invitation to discover the treasures life holds for us. To let go from everything that makes us unhappy and to get hold of new and far more thrilling experiences. A deep and remarkable journey through the eyes of a deeply, loveley main character. Rights sold to Portugal, Germany, Greece and Bulgaria.

23th of December: ONE LOVE by Alejandro Palomas
Un Amor dives deep into this wonderful family. As the author described the Nadal 2018 award winning novel: ‘’24 hours, a wedding, a family, everything is all right, a phone call and everything is wrong. Life begins’’.

24th of December: TALES TO LOVE YOURSELF MORE by Álex Rovira and Francesc Miralles
35 illustrated tales to work the self-esteem on children. Already a bestseller!

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