It makes me very happy to think that this may be the last week that I don’t have any new books to recommend on the blog. The world seems to be slowly and cautiously getting back on track. The small shops are already starting to open their blinds and we are all happy to be able to return to a new normality. However, we must make an effort and face up to the fear of the uncertainty of the future, as only then will the wheel start to turn.
I would be delighted to recommend you to all those books that are finally going to arrive in the bookshops. Besides, I am sure that in this confinement we have gained readers, since many people have taken advantage of these days to meet again with the pleasure of reading. Our mission is to continue to keep all the readers with the desire to continue cultivating reading, which, without a doubt, is a great companion.
Today I take this opportunity to recover all those books that came out just before the confinement, such as Rabietas, by Miriam Tirado; Set dies de Gràcia, by Carla Gracia; La llibertat interior, by Gaspar Hernàndez; #ConVinoConTodo, by Meritxell Falgueras and La Doctora, by Sílvia Tarragó. You have at your disposal the synopsis of all these news in our website.It is important that you give them the opportunity they deserve and that they are not buried by the new books. These titles were working very well and predicted many sales for a Sant Jordi that finally could not be held and some presentations that could not be organized. At least, we have been lucky enough that the authors have gone out of their way to help their readers and have been able to keep in touch with all their followers through the social networks. I hope that we can all go out soon and approach our trusted bookstores to acquire these fantastic titles. Remember: books are life.