One of my all time favourite films is Ghost, I can’t say how many times I’ve watched it and I confess I know the dialogue by heart. To think that someone who’s passed away can stay among us, it gives me chills, but it works in the film, as well as it does in Ana Alonso’s new project, LUNA Y LOS INCORPÓREOS. In it, Luna, a thirteen year old girl, has a friend, Yago, who is dead and refuses to believe so.
Luna has a gift, although it is more of a problem for her, because she can see, hear, and talk to INCORPÓREOS, the wandering spirits of some deceased people. Sometimes they have been looking for eternal rest for decades or even centuries, but can’t get it. It’s not easy for them, and that’s why they are bad tempered creatures, upset with themselves and that put upon Luna their unrest and anger. At the same time, they stick around her and ask her for things. As of right now there are three books in the series, and I have loved the idea even if it’s not new, because Ana has managed to put that final touch, because the INCORPÓREOS are from different times, which allows us to travel to spectral cities and to know the culture, art, and the ways of living in different times of history.
Besides, an APP has been developed with mystery-chats that will reveal important aspects of the characters, videos of NoBody18 about many trivia and a didactic programming to accompany the reading. The digital world is the perfect complement for a series that is different, funny, and that gives an extra reward to teenagers who stick to their mobiles all thay long. This fusion is ideal for them and for teachers, because reading must be fun, and can also be interactive and make a hobby out of reading, and not an obligation.
Isn’t it interesting? Three books for the summer so that teenagers don’t just play videogames, but also read and get immersed in the chats and the amazing app, at the same time funny and didactic – without it leading to rejection.