Neurocuídate (Take Care with Neuroscience)
This book that I recommend today has pleasantly surprised me. Although Sara Teller was co-author with Ferran Cases of EL CEREBRO DE LA GENTE FELIZ (which has sold very well, we are on the seventh edition, and has been published in eight languages) and already started very well within the book world, now she takes a step towards personal wellness (something I never thought the brain could help and be involved in) with NEUROCUÍDATE. (TAKE CARE WITH NEUROSCIENCE). Sara tells us how understanding the functioning of our brain can help us to live better. Don’t you find it super interesting? When we breathe, love, smile, run, get angry, sleep or eat we are creating neural connections and releasing a myriad of neurochemical explosions in our brain; did you know that you will develop one type of brain or another depending on how you live, on the things you do in your day to day life, and you will feel and think in one way or another? I didn’t know that, but reading Sara in this very useful book, I have realized how many things can affect my brain and that I don’t know anything about it. The brain is a complex organ and needs energy. Besides, it controls what you think and feel, how you learn and remember, and the way you move.It also controls many things we hardly realize, such as our heartbeat and the digestion of food. That’s why it is so important and perhaps we don’t give it the importance we should. In this book, Sara discovers what emotions guide it, how moving our body improves our cognitive processes and makes us gain in mental and emotional health, how we can nourish it and give it rest so that it is in full capacity, how social networks impact us at a cognitive level or how we can gain in creativity and productivity.
Understanding the potential and imperfections of our brain, and discovering all its mysteries is key not only to knowing how to improve quality of life (mental and emotional), but also to knowing ourselves better.
It is a necessary, useful and understanding book so that by changing small things we can improve our personal well-being and the functioning of something so important in our body and, at the same time, so unknown as the brain.
For me, one of the great non-fiction titles of this season.