Nunca volveremos a ser las mismas
It has been months since the publishing world opened its doors to rom-coms, to romance novels for all ages, and we wanted to bring back one of the novels we published years ago with Espasa Calpe, ahead of time and fashion because this genre didn’t have much space before and now it has carved out a great niche for itself. So, the Espasa Calpe editorial team, the author and the agency decided that it was time to give Maica a second chance.
In Nunca volveremos a ser las mismas Maica is a rude woman, she has a heart that doesn’t fit in her chest and a chest that isn’t what it used to be. On the verge of her fifties and a few more vertiginous precipices, she is divorced, as well as the long-suffering mother of a teenage daughter, and lives at odds with the world in general and with her mother and men in particular. Besides, she also is a lawyer addicted to work who has only herself to speak for her and the well-meaning advice of her best friend. Maica will begin a journey from bewilderment to acceptance along which she will learn that a well-managed sense of humor is not only the best antidote to any hot flush, but the only compass capable of helping us getting through the worst storms.
As a woman of 50, I recommend this novel to those of you who are over 40 because you will laugh and see all the things that most of us women will start to experience when we are of a certain age. Knowing how to laugh at ourselves is the only way to move forward. I love the leitmotiv of this novel: We will never be the same again… and we don’t need to be.
Let’s read this novel and recommend it to all our friends, mothers, aunts and grandmothers, because it is an enjoyable read and it will help us to from ourselves from those heavy backpacks, which weigh us down from a mature age because we have to look great, be the best wives, the coolest mothers and, to top it off, the most competent in our jobs. Is there anyone who can bear it without falling into moments of despair? Let’s join Maica on this adventure, which will be everyone’s adventure.