The legacy of ashes
Usually, I write each week’s blog making it match the release of the novel, but this time I wanted to do it after because it is a special novel for many reasons: First of all, because this novel is based on a previous work of Coia: El mercader, which I am very fond of it and has been one of her best-selling novels to this day; the second reason is that Coia returns to work with the editor who has helped her grow, Ernest Folch; and the third and final reason is that this novel is a powerful story about brave women, Coia Valls’ trademark, which I know will not leave anyone indifferent. This novel will please all readers of this author, and will put Coia’s novels at the top again, as they deserve.
Here is a little taste of the plot: In the middle of the 14th century, Barcelona is still suffering the aftermath of the great plague. During this period of uncertainty, shortly before the implementation of Roman law, a group of women struggle to take charge of the recovery of the city.
Alèxia -a merchant’s daughter-, Romia -a slave-, Genebre -a nun from Sant Pere de les Puel-les-, Caterina -a painter’s apprentice-, Llorença -a glassmaker’s widow-, Marta -a weaver’s daughter- and Sança -a hat-maker-, they all will unite to propose another Barcelona, where hope is possible, to light a new fire that will illuminate the city again. Many, anchored in a world that is coming to an end, will want to extinguish it.
Meanwhile, Alèxia’s brother, Narcís, a disciple of the painter Ferrer Bassa, will try to give meaning to his artistic concerns. He and Caterina will found Casa dels Obradors, a project aimed at giving value to new initiatives based on the abilities of each one of them. Everyone will have a place and will be able to be apprentice and master at the same time.
Fire illuminates, but it also burns and leaves ashes. The ashes contain the memory of what has been and, if they fall in a good shelter, they can be the seed of a new future.
EL LEGADO DE LAS CENIZAS is a deep and inspiring novel, a trademark of the house, which without losing the essence of the author, shows her masterful and careful evolution. Don’t miss out.