Autumn song
We know that the romance genre is in fashion, that we have been discovering new voices within this genre that pleasantly surprise us for months now and, from our agency, we are delighted to introduce you to Sarah Mey and her novel AUTUMN SONG, ideal for our “Young Adults”. I am sure they will fall in love with this story where social networks are very present in the plot, and love/hate between two young people as well. A modern story, and at the same time tender, that has nothing to envy to the rom coms coming from the United States. So I hope that international publishers who are looking for this genre, and there are many of you who read this blog every Thursday, will give a chance to this new and young voice, with a powerful romantic story, and want to meet Camila and Óliver.
Camila is sixteen years old and the daughter of a well-known influencer. Her life is too exposed and she hates everything about social media. In fact, her world is falling apart. Óliver, the boy with the eternal smile who hides a past from which he cannot free himself, hates the digital world. His father has fallen in love with Camila’s mother and his new life does not appeal to him at all. Two stepsiblings, in principle very different, immersed in a world of appearances and social networks in which their concerns seem to have no place.
Will Camila and Óliver manage to find themselves and be happy? I’m not going to tell you, so that you can ask me for the book, and enjoy it as we have done along with the publishers of La Esfera Azul, who have bet on it.