Silvia Bueso is a lecturer, trainer and coach, creator of ‘The Art of Asking’, a method for learning to “ask without asking” as a way to raise funds for non-profit organizations and managers of projects; to communicate your talent and your project; to attract and retain customers for your business or to reinvent yourself professionally and get the ideal job. The keys to her method are embodied in the book El arte de pedir para conseguir tus objetivos (CulBuks Publishing House), which has been very well received by the media.
The ‘Art of Asking’ method was born thanks to Silvia’s experience in positions of responsibility in the field of corporate communication for various companies and multinationals, and as a fundraiser for the ESADE Foundation. Subsequently, she has completed ESADE’s Management Development Program, she is an ICF-certified coach and she has completed CTI’s international leadership program. Silvia has a degree in Law from the University of Barcelona and Journalism from the Universitat Pompeu Fabra. For more information, www.silviabueso.com.