The novel El imperio de los leones, by Sebastià Bennasar, has been shortlisted for the best noir book of 2017 in the Noir Valenc ...

Sebastià Bennassar Llobera was born in 1976 in Mallorca. He has a degree in Humanities and a Master’s degree in World History from the Pompeu Fabra University. He worked for 12 years for the newspaper Diari de Balears. Currently, he combines his journalistic work with freelance cultural management. Up to now, he has published two poetry collections, three short story books and six novels — four of them thrillers. Two of his passions are: Portugal and its literature; and novels brimming with blood.
Some of his books are Pot semblar un accident (It Might Look Like an Accident), 501 crims que has de conèixer abans de morir (501 Crimes You Must Know before You Die), Mateu el president (Kill the President), Ciment Tour, El país dels crepuscles (The Country of Nighfalls), and the essay La primavera dels indignats (The Indignants’ Spring). His last work so far is the novel Nocturn a Sant Felip Neri (Nocturne at St. Philip Neri’s).