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Pedagogue and Psychologist. She studied at the University of Barcelona, where she got a degree in Pedagogy and Psychology in 1974. She has exercised her profession in many places, with multidisciplinary teams of psychologists, pedagogues, psychiatrists and speech therapists.

Currently, the psycho-pedagogue task has its main focus on children, teens and youths with educational, behavioral and emotional problems. A big part of the consultations consist of advising families on how to educate their children in order to improve their basic habits, the emotional stability of the whole family, and situations of conflictive coexistence. Another big aspect of work is addressing sleep disorders in adults in which a high emotional component is detected.

Over many years, she has collaborated with Dr Eduard Estivill in the treatment of sleep disorders, and also diagnosis and re-education of basic habits. Together they have published several books targeted at fathers, mothers and children, as a way of assisting them in their educational process: Vamos a la cama, ¡A comer!, Cuentos por antes de ir a dormir, Padres y Adolescentes, ¡cuántas dudas!, Sólo en casa!, Serie de cuentos de Lila, Los niños no vienen de París, Edúcame bien, La vacuna contra el miedo, Bulling, ¿Por qué a mí?.


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