Miquel Esteve Valldepérez (Móra la Nova, Spain, 1969) graduated in Business and Economics, specializing in Financial and Actuarial Mathematics. He combines writing with the management of a farming and olive family business. He is currently pursuing a degree in Humanities at the Open University of Catalonia, and is a regular contributor to radio programs about books.
He has published the novels Heydrich i les agents del saló Kitty (Heydrich and the Kitty Saloon Agents, XXV Ribera d'Ebre Fiction Prize, Cossetània Ed., 2008), El Baphomet i la taula esmaragda (Baphomet and the Emerald Table, XX Town of Ascó Fiction Award, Cossetània, 2009) and Llinatge (Lineage, Cossetània, 2010). His last novel so far is El juego de Sade (Sade’s Game, Ediciones B, 2013).