Jordi Solé i Comas (Sabadell, Barcelona, 1966). Graduate in Journalism from the Autonomous University of Barcelona, he began his career in 1987 as an editor at the newspaper Diari de Barcelona. Since then he has collaborated with media like El Periódico de Catalunya, La Vanguardia, El Independiente or the magazine Fotogramas. He has been Editor in Chief of the Fantastic Magazine, and the director of Club Disney. A regular in TV shows such as BCN Magazine (8TV) and El Club (TV3), on the radio he could be listened to at the RAC1 programs Interferències and Versió Càmping.
He is the author of the reference book Telemanía, las 500 mejores series de TV de nuestra vida (Salvat, 1999); the story Blanc (Tantagora, 2011), and five novels: Hijo de dioses, La isla de las brumas and Barcelona Far West (translated into Spanish as El revólver de Buffalo Bill), published by Editions Pàmies, and Ciutat d’espies and Conspiració a Tàrraco, published by Column.