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Gonzalo Pin Arboledas was born in Valencia. He initiated his professional steps in Units of neonatalogy to later coordinate the Services of Pediatrics of the Hospital of the Red Cross (1987-1989), Hospital San Juan de Dios (1989-1992) and Hospital Quirón (1992-1996) of the city of Valencia.

 He completed his medical studies with a Master in Therapy of Modification of Conduct and Medicine of the Dream. Since 1997 it directs the Valencian Unit of the Dream.

Of his teacher, Jorge Comin Ferrer, he learned that the medicine is a social science that it must be shared with the families. It has published more than fifty articles related to the pediatrics and the sleep disorders in children and he is an active member of diverse scientific companies related to the pediatrics and the dream. He is, likewise, an author of the books Durmiendo como un niño and Cuando no quieren dormir.


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