Fernando Martínez Laínez was born in Barcelona and is a writer with a long journalistic and literary career, culminated by the V Algaba Award of History Investigation thanks to his book “Como lobos hambrientos”, about the Spanish guerrilla fighters during the Independence War.
During almost twenty years he worked for the International Information Service at EFE Agency and lived as correspondent and delegate in UK, Cuba, Argentina and URSS. He has worked as a reporter, especial correspondent and TV and radio programme’s screenwriter, and has travelled to America, Middle East, north of Africa, Central Asia, China, Japan, East Europe and other countries. Is an expert in International Affairs, specially those related to eastern Europe and the former soviet republics. With “Carne de trueque” (1977), Martínez Laínez was one of the first thriller novel writer in Spain. He has published several thriller novels, as well as biography, essay, journey books, young readers books and historical novel. He is President of the Association of Spanish Thriller Novel Writers, he has written at several newspapers and magazines and currently is columnist at the ABCD of las Artes y las Letras, and collaborates at the magazine de Historia y Vida and la Revista Española de Defensa. and the Vice-President in Western Europe of the International Association of Detective Novel Writers (AIEP: Asociación Internacional de Escritores Policíacos). He has been awarded the Rodolfo Walsh award several times and has been shortlisted twice for the Premio Novela Corta Sésamo.
He has won twice the Rodolfo Walsh Award to the best non-fiction summoned by the Semana Negra de Gijón (Thriller Week of Gijón) and the Association of Spanish Thriller Novel Writers (Asociación Internacional de Escritores Policíacos: AIEP). He has also win the Grandes Viajeros Award summoned by Ediciones B, thanks to his book “Tras los Pasos de Drácula”, and he directs the journey books collection “Sotavento” (Almuzara) and mystery stories “La Casa Ciega” (Edaf). Among his last books, published by Edaf, you can find “Tercios de España- La infantería legendaria” and “Una Pica en Flandes- La epopeya del Camino Español”.