Estela Chocarro has a degree in Information Sciences from the Complutense University of Madrid. Her first novel, which was among the ten finalists of the Fernando Lara Prize in 2012 under the pseudonym Stella Maris, was Maeva’s book of the year in 2014 with the title “The next funeral will be yours”. This was followed by “Nadie ha muerto en la catedral” and “Te daré un beso antes de morir”. Navarra and her village Cárcar popular scenarios for her books. She has taken part in two anthologies: “Cartagena Negra” with the story Cristales Rotos and “El Alma del vino” with Sin llegar a los postres. In 2018 she was named “Cofrade de Honor de la Cofradía del Vino de Navarra ” in recognition of her excellent trajectory in the world of literature and culture. She currently lives in Pamplona, where she combines her work with writing.