In 1999 Carlos Pérez ended with Cum laude the career of Physical Education Teacher Training in the Universidad Autónoma de Barcelona (UAB) and then he began a Physical Therapy Degree, ended at Escuela de Fisioterapia Gimbernat (UAB). Just a year later, he went deeply into the field of teaching at Escuela de Fisioterpia Garbí (Universidad de Girona -UdG-), combining with clinical work in his own centre and in the football team of the Palamós, by that time playing in the second division.
In 2006 when, after making several formations in the field of physical therapy, he started the Master in Clinical Psyconeuroinmunology (PNI) at UdG, in which he was also the coordinator.
From this moment, it was born Regenera, a company dedicated to health and teaching, where Carlos Pérez is co-director. Regarding health, Regenera is a pioneer company in Catalonia in the implementation of PNI.
Since 2007 Carlos Perez works as a teacher in Regenera and gives classes about PNI all around Spain.
The last book he has written, with Airam Fernández, is Paleotraining (Ediciones B, 2013).