She was born in Granollers (Barcelona, Spain). Her parents did not want her to work in the restaurant industry, so she started to study law. However, her passion for cooking led her to find her way into every kitchen she could until finally, together with her future husband, she opened the innovative restaurant Semproniana in Barcelona, as well as the restaurants Coses de Menjar, also in Barcelona, and Acontecimiento in Lisbon.
Ada Parellada collaborates with many media and local Catalan television channels. She has written several books, such as La bona cuina catalana (The Good Catalan Cooking, Ara Llibres, 2006), Como hecho en casa (Homemade-like, Planeta, 2010), Grandes chefs, pequeños cocineros (Great Chefs, little cooks, Grijalbo, 2010), Les receptes de Semproniana (Semproniana’s Recipes, Cossetània, 2012), Per què alguns pebrots piquen i altres no (Why Some Chilis Are Spicy and Some Not, Ara Llibres, 2013), and En tàper (In a Lunch Box, Salsa Books, 2013).
Sal de Vainilla is her first novel (Planeta, 2012).
Twitter @adaparellada