February starts, it is still winter, but I have always liked it, maybe because it is short, and it is always filled with literary novelties. Next week, one of the non-fiction books that I think can be a best-seller will arrive to the bookshops. GENIOTIPO by Tony Estruch.
The author says that everyone has a talent, a gift. Finding out what it is, we could focus our life on the direction we wish for and, therefore, enjoy a lot more what we do and how we do it. LOVING what you do is the secret to accomplish big achievements and for that, it is necessary knowing your passion and which type of genius you are, so you need to know your GENIOTIPO.
After ten years of research on human talent, in collaboration with experts from different disciplines, Tony Estruch presents the revolutionary theory of the GENIOTIPOS, a self-knowledge tool that will be the start of a new era in the personal development field, like ENEAGRAMA was on its day. Here, we take a step forward to develop what we have on the inside. To identify our GENIOTIPO, we need to identify our innate aptitudes, and this book offers us all the keys to discover it. With this, we will learn to develop our capacities to the maximum, and we will not only successfully achieve our purpose of life in the personal and professional fields, but also, we will comprehend better those around us, which I think is vital in this world we face after everything we have lived.
Tony Estruch reveals that we do not need to do especial things to be a genius, we only need to discover and feed what we already are. Our goal in life should be: BE HAPPY. Being passionate in what we dedicate our life, the things we do, our jobs, our hobbies, and the rest of activities that take a great part of our time, this is the key to be able to be happy. If you know your GENIOTIPO, you can open the door to that happiness that you long for and do not know how to find it. A practical and simple tool that opens a new world to us where we can only do well. I am a circle/triangle. How about you?