Literary life never stops. Books always accompany us. But this autumn comes strong with one of the authors I admire the most, for her simplicity, humility and patience. Three great virtues that, if one wants to devote oneself to writing, I believe are fundamental. However, Susana Rodriguez, like a good ant, in silence and working together with the agency, has managed to sell more than 40,000 copies of her trilogy, which is still on the market and I hope soon with film options.
Now, she publishes a new novel, A BULLET WITH YOUR NAME ON IT, by the hand of Harper Collins Ibérica who has bet on this voice that has captivated a lot of readers, one by one, and that is going to consolidate them with this new novel that has taken off like a torpedo.

Zoe Bennett has an anodyne and routine life. In her forties, she is a serious woman, lonely and with a sad past, who takes refuge in her work as a restaurateur in the prestigious Museum of Fine Arts in Boston. In a boring party for donations, she meets Noah, an attractive young waiter with whom, almost without realizing it, she starts a crazy, torrid relationship. Too handsome to be true? That’s what it looks like.
One night, Noah convinces her to visit the restoration workshop when the museum has closed its doors. Hours later, the tranquility of her life explodes in a thousand pieces to become a dangerous whirlwind of greed and violence where she will not be able to trust anything or anyone and that will awaken in her some instincts and a force of will unknown until then.
Again, a strong woman, love and violence make the perfect cocktail to keep adding sales to Susana’s track record. Great book to start the fall, indeed.