Love stories are always nice. It’s a genre that has always been successful in any format. That is why Laila Karouch’s novel, QUE AL·LÀ EM PERDONI published by Columna Edicions, has one of the paramount factors for success: a great love story between Jordi and Samira. A Muslim girl raised in Catalonia, she has a religious father who is open minded and wanted to distance her from the rigid traditions for women in Morocco. An atheist boy, he falls head over heels for her in their first year of college. These relationships between different cultures seem to be accepted in our society, but what cannot be accepted is his atheism and lack of belief in any god. Samira knows that not even her father, who is far more open-minded than the rest, would approve of it. Likewise, Jordi’s acquaintances fail to understand his love for a girl who, despite being integrated in Catalonia, follows Muslim traditions, and wears a handkerchief. They will both need to face their feelings and make challenging decisions.
Bravely, Laila approaches for the first time the love story of a Muslim girl and an Atheist boy. In this 21st century Romeo and Juliet where Samira and Jordi will have to fight against an overwhelming reality: BELIEFS.