Surely many readers of this blog have heard of the “Law of the Mirror”, which, as Yoshinori Noguchi explains in his book, refers to the fact that what you see in other people is a true reflection of what is within yourself. In other words, if you see negative things in someone else, what you are witnessing is a reflection of what is inside you. This phrase lies as a teaching method. For this reason, Xavier Guix has titled his new book THE LAW OF REFLECTION because, although the most popular version of the mechanisms of self-deception is the law of the mirror, the metaphor is more accurate if we refer to “the law of reflection”. Self-deception is a trap that leads us away from the truth about ourselves, and the law of reflection warns us of an old axiom: “as within, so without” or, put another way, the world is a huge mirror in which your consciousness is reflected. The positive or negative things in life are not only harboured in other people. You also have a number of relevant characteristics that may please or annoy those around you. That is why self-criticism is one of the most recommended practices if it is well used. The mirror reflects us, but we confuse what it shows us with our true identity. This book will help you discover the projections that cause you suffering and how to work with them in order to live a mirage-free life. An essential self-knowledge tool to heal relationships with external people, being able to see how we ourselves are the cause of that deterioration or confrontation. Our perception of the world and of human relationships is a reflection of our inner self, which means that external circumstances highlight how we are on the inside. If you are able to see situations with people, what they reflect of you and you want to change the feeling of anger or disappointment, you must orient your behaviour towards forgiveness, to forgive yourself many personal aspects of which you may not even be aware and start changing suffering for inner peace. A short book, with an apparently complicated concept but which Xavier Guix, a veteran in his field, explains it easily so that every one of us can apply it in our daily lives. Only in this way will we be able to free ourselves from limiting beliefs and avoid unnecessary suffering that deprives us of living in a peaceful way, which is closer to a happy life.