I’m not an adventurer. I would like to be one, not have so many fears or prejudices. To have less quirks and get out of my comfort zone more often. But the truth is that adventure is not for me, and I’d rather to have everything under control. Perhaps I should try to go with the flow but for now, I take refuge in the reading.
One of the great adventurers of all time is Marco Polo, about whom many books have been written, but with this novel by Víctor Jurado named LA VERITABLE HISTÒRIA DE MARCO POLO (the truth about Marco Polo) we discover a new side of this character. For the lovers of the historical fiction novels and for those who adventure is part of their life, they will find an entertaining book and the true history about the most famous traveler of the silk route, who started his trip next to his father and uncle when he was only a child, a trip to Asia through deserts, seas and mountains. Marco Polo, in prison, remembers all these journeys, living in vans of traders and vicious warriors. A book that will take the readers to a fascinating, exotic and wild world.