Laila Fortuny has just obtained her high school degree when her parents lose their job. She goes to work as a waitress at the CERN, the famous Nuclear Research Center close to Geneva, to pay for her studies. There, she finds Alessio, a young intern journalist, annoyed about spending the summer in «the most boring place in the Universe». One day, Laila’s heart goes upside-down when she meets Brian, a PhD student who has been in Los Alamos, New Mexico, where military plans are conceived. Her new friend offers to show the Research Center installations while explains the secrets of quantum physics to her. Laila is fascinated by the young scientist, who seems to be impervious to her charms. At her job, while serving menus daily to hundreds of awkward scientists, Laila is trapped between Alessio’s untimely rapprochements and Brian’s digressions about the cosmos. Waiting for the first kiss, during the most exciting summer of her life, Laila will discover that science can be attractive and love is the most powerful energy in the universe.
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