Los primeros mil días (The First Thousand Days)
A thousand days to shape the health of a lifetime! A guide to pregnancy and the baby’s first steps!
From conception to the second anniversary of the baby opens, these thousand days are a critical period to build health for today and tomorrow, because all organs and tissues of the baby’s body are formed. How we manage health in this time window will be expressed in the future in the form of a healthy life, or in the appearance of certain difficulties that could affect long-term well-being.
We therefore have a great opportunity to lay the foundations for the future of our children. In small baby steps, these pages give you the keys to everything that we can apply during pregnancy and parenting and that will bring benefits for a lifetime, such:
Eating a balanced diet.
Forging a secure bond and attachment.
Avoiding exposure to toxics.
Connecting with nature.
In your hands is practicing a lifestyle that builds health in your family.