Second week of the year and first one of normality. Everything starts again, kids go back to school and set those weekly routines that orchestrate life to the families. It is difficult come back after holidays and almost all of us start this year with a list of resolutions for this year. Although I have decided to not do it and let it flow, I have witnessed different conversations between my friends about that repetitive list that year after year it is almost the same one: lose weight, quit smoking, finding the perfect man, go to the gym at least two times a week. This is the list that people tell each other but there are the personal ones with ambitious or personal goals that we often mix up with unachievable wishes, but we should put them as goals as well. Why not?
That is why, the book that I would like to suggest this week is a tool to get to know ourselves better. I believe that it is vital to look inside of us to know what we really want, how we are, and in what moment we are. With THE CUBE’S GAME, by Mayde Molina and Amir Zare, we will be able to see the canvas of our lives. Through the journey of a young Shiraz, where she will meet a wise sufi who will guide her to some other place and will reveal her the secrets of the inside world, we will be able to trace our own journey. Can an ancestral game reveal to us how we are against life? It can, and not only it will help the lead of the book but also you, as a reader among her, you will discover your inside world and the map that you will draw with this game, you will be able to take control of your destiny. Aren’t you curious about what route this 2022 has in store for you?
I did it and it came out the perfect portrait of my actual state and my goals. An ideal tool to start the year with a roadmap that will help us achieve those external and internal lists that everyone does to follow what we most desire.