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Author: Bruno Thursday 25 February 2021

People’s character is one of our trademarks, however, character can be molded or changed. I have changed mine. As a teenager I was quick tempered, as my grandmother used to say, and I would immediately raise my voice, but soon afterwards I would regret it and apologize for my behaviour, but not for my opinion, as I have always been a person who has taken a stand and defended what I thought, even if it differed from other people’s opinions. 
However, time has taught me that even if it is good to have convictions, it is important to know how to bite your tongue at certain times. And when I read this thriller, BAJO LA PIEL, by Susana Rodríguez Lezaun, author of the trilogy SIN RETORNO, DEUDAS DEL FRÍO and TE VERÉ ESTA NOCHE which has sold over 30.000 copies, I thought that the main character had that strong and uncompromising personality, which may be considered difficult or mean, which she is, but in the case of Marcela Pieldelobo I would say she is a person with a square clear mind and who doesn’t mind breaking the rules.
Marcela Pieldelobo is not easy to deal with. Born in Biescas, a small village in the Aragonese Pyrenees, she has been an inspector for the National Police Force in Pamplona for the past decade. A woman who is excessive in her habits and affections, and in the original tattoo that curls around her body and which hardly anyone knows about. She is convinced that orders are open to interpretation, that there are things that are better kept to oneself and that closed doors can be unlocked if you know how to open them. Even if you don’t have a court order. In the novel, the past, in the form of an abusive father, who reappears after the death of her mother, hammers on her door, but Marcela has more urgent things to get to, such as the case of an abandoned baby in a lonely car park and a wrecked hire car with no trace of the driver, but with bloodstains and wheel marks… When the clues lead to a well-known company owned by one of the most traditional and influential local families, her superiors decide to take her off the case… But Marcela, true to her principles and her instincts, insists on going further, even at the expense, now, of her own life.
A fast-paced, exceptional thriller that will not disappoint the fans of the genre but will also appeal to those readers who are appealed by a well-written story with mystery and chilling scenes. Harper Collins continues to support an author who has a growing readership, her works have already been translated into Italian and Portuguese, and she has an option contract for the television rights to a trilogy that after seven years of life has not stopped selling. Are you going to miss it?

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