In 2020 the world came to a standstill and our lives did too. It has not been easy, but for some people the pandemic created a new break in their busy lives where there was nothing but rushing, meetings and lack of free time. For many, including myself, this forced stop generated a reflection on what we all already know but do not apply, unless we are made to.
Thousands of years ago, human beings were harmoniously connected to the natural cycles of life. This link with the rhythms of nature provided our ancestors with health, energy and emotional well-being. Nowadays, we also live in tune with time, but we have disconnected from its original cadence and we no longer pay attention to our internal clocks, which are responsible for appetite, sleep, energy or fatigue we feel throughout the day, resulting in cardiovascular problems, metabolic diseases such as diabetes or obesity, psychological disorders and, in the most serious cases, a greater incidence of certain types of cancer.
Now, the doctors Eduard and Carla Estivill preset us EL MÉTODO TOKEI, published by Plaza & Janés and Rosa dels Vents. Based on chronobiology, this method is a fully-fledged training to learn to listen to our body and reconnect with its rhythms. Thanks to their simple and practical advice, available to everyone, we will be able to synchronize our Tokei or inner clock to enjoy a life full of optimism and health. Eduard Estivill sold more than three million copies of his DUERMETE NIÑO method all over the world and now he is back with another method where he encourages us to reconnect with ourselves following a clear and natural plan. In a year in which we have realized, more than ever, that health is the most important aspect, this practical and totally accessible book gives us a method to keep us in full shape, and prevent avoidable illnesses, just by listening to the signals of our inner clock. An essential tool for living a longer and better life.