2020 is coming to an end and it has been a strange and difficult year, as we would never have imagined. We have not been able to attend the book fairs, we have had to give up meetings and the handshakes and hugs. However, it has been a year of learning for everyone. We have learned to value the little things, to take advantage of every moment, to recognize the importance of contact with others and how necessary it is for our mental health to be able to be with our beloved ones whenever we want. So, let us close 2020 without forgetting this learning and let us look at 2021 from that new perspective, asking it to give us back the hidden smiles, the forbidden hugs, and that normality we miss so much. The agency will be closed from December 24th to January 7th, both included, to take a well-deserved rest and recover energy, which will be necessary to face 2021.
Merry Christmas and we wish you all have a healthy 2021, where books are present, because they have proved to be great companions in every moment, in good and bad times, and have also managed to survive wars and pandemics. Choose well your masks, we have already done it, you can find them in all the networks with the following hashtag: #MYMASKISABOOK.