The month of October begins and with it we start to dress with a jacket and boots from one day to another. We have overcome summer and we are entering this autumn, which most predict as cursed. October is the month of the Frankfurt Fair, the queen of book fairs, and this year we will have to celebrate it from distance, as we have done with almost everything. I confess that it is a fair that I have never liked, but after attending for 27 years I have known how to find the positive parts of it, the main one being the contact with the publishers, many already friends, from all over the world. It is true that technology makes it easier and easier for us to be in permanent contact with those who are farther away. Now a screen can show us the smiles and looks of people but deprives us of many other things, such as human contact, hugs, handshakes … in short, the proximity of the face to face. At the moment, we cannot achieve this through a computer, although I don’t really want it to be like that either, because in the end we would end up being more like robots than people. I hope that this is a transitional situation and that next year we can go to the fair and hug, kiss and cuddle each other again, because the essential part of business, from my point of view, is that human part. And now that a virus wants to take this essence away from us, for me the idea that these intangibles are the most important thing becomes stronger and nothing and nobody should take them away from us.
So this special year, the year of Covid19, in the agency we wanted to make a different catalog, a visual one with a clear motto: CULTURE IS SAFE. The books protect and save us, as does the famous mask today. There are masks of all models and colors, but ours is one of the most beautiful ones that exist and you can see it in this video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wmmW_aObf_M. In my opinion, books have survived everything, wars and pandemics, and this time they will do it again. We must be the first to not stop doing what we love the most, which is reading, and in that way, we will be able to feed the world with good stories.
Here we leave you our catalog: http://www.sandrabruna.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/09/FrankfurtRightsCatalogue_SandraBruna2020-Final-2.pdf. Together with this video full of virtual hugs and kisses, which I hope to be able to give you in person very soon. To all the editors that I will see on screen very soon, and to all the readers of this blog, to whom I thank for following us, I want to dedicate our most recent news, among which, surely you will find the book that can accompany you to face this autumn, an autumn that does not present itself as an easy one, but we can still have many beautiful things and many unforgettable moments in it, some of them accompanied by a good book.
To finish, we would love that this campaign we have initiated for this so special fair of Frankfurt2020 called #MYMASKISABOOK, becomes viral. I hope that after seeing our video you will encourage yourself to share your photos with the best mask of this new season and that you will send them to us through our social networks (Twitter, Instagram and Facebook), tagging us so that we can make a global tribute to the books that have always helped us, in good and bad times, and through that campaign we will support culture, because without culture there is no future and as I always say BOOKS ARE LIFE, so don’t take them away from us.