Holiday time!
Happy holidays: a suitcase and a book, at least.
This is the last Bruno’s post until September. It is always a pleasure to write a post every week and recommend a book, because it is truly a privilege to recommend a reading. However, it is not an easy job: this is why in this last post I made a collection of the different books that I wrote about in this blog. A collection classified into genres and above all, very visual, so you can easily remember the covers of each of the stories, books that we presented with the goal to discover new readers and publishers from other countries who wish to find extraordinary stories without thinking too much of the numbers. Literature moves you, it claims you, it makes you feel and at the end, this is what you get. The publishing world is a business but we cannot afford to lose the best of the values: giving the opportunity to each great story that is capable of moving you, like all the books we have here, so I hope you enjoy more than one on these holidays. As Bruno says, there is no better company than a book. Happy holidays and on our return, new books to finish an extraordinary trimester, indispensable to keep growing as a persons.
Enjoy your holidays!