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Author: Sandra Bruna Thursday 15 February 2018

This is the week of love. Hearts are everywhere, information on romantic weekends away filling our mailbox, TV adverts about couples and Valentine’s day. It’s become a tradition. However, LOVE, I believe, must be present on a daily basis, not just this one day in the year, and it’s not just couple love, it is LOVE in general. Love and friends, love and kids, love and those who we love. And I truly believe in the LOVE for oneself, because only when you love yourself, you are able to love the rest.

Hence why I’ve absolutely LOVED Rocío Carmona’s adult debut, LO QUE SUCEDIÓ CUANDO ME ROMPISTE EL CORAZÓN. After her massive success with the young adult titles LA GRAMÁTICA DEL AMOR and EL CORAZÓN DE HANNAH, she has completely captured me with this new title. I’ve adored MIA, our main character, a self-made woman, 34 years old, who has just broken up with Alex, and has to face summer in the city with her heart smashed into a million pieces. To complete this dramatic situation, she loses her job, which increases her sadness, which we’ve all sometime felt. A sadness, she believes, will never fade away. Her world is sinking, but she is able to make decisions in order to raise and shine again, there is only one way, and in order to begin to walk through this way she must heal her broken heart. So, step by step, her adventure to reconstruct her heart begins and she finds herself, like never before. A novel that will make you laugh and cry all at the same time. Inspiring for those who are broken hearted, but also inspiring for those who have once broken someone else’s heart. Ways to love are infinite and we’ve all been through a heartbreak or made a heart-breaking mistake. We’ve used up napkins boxes, spend hours on the phone looking for support in our best friend, eaten all the chocolate available in our fridge or eaten the biggest chocolate ice cream in the freezer. But, at the end, we’ve been able to find what takes us back to what we were, to our best self. Mia runs, sings, makes new friends, visits the museum of the broken hearts and discovers Cat inspired bars. We are able to feel her pain and through it, we can feel the pain we once felt, our friends felt, we all felt. A book with loads of layers, layers we will go thorough to find out how Mia achieves her aim. A brilliant novel, easy to read, about love and the end of it, and about picking up the pieces to reconstruct ourselves and getting together to become stronger.

A novel those readers who have adored MUJERES QUE COMPRAN FLORES or LA MAGIA DE SER SOFIA will completely enjoy. Spring is around the corner and it is full of amazing new titles, write down this one on your list and give it to those you love the most. Let’s make a love chain.

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