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Author: Sandra Bruna Thursday 11 January 2018

This Christmas Holidays I’ve been addicted to Netflix’s Stranger Things. At first, I thought it wasn’t made for me, but my 13 years old teenager kept insisting to watch it together and, to be honest, I do really look forward sharing his hobbies, films, TV series, paddle and whatever comes in the future. Now he is in those days that he still wants to spend time with me, although they say these days will soon come to an end, but the truth is that I refuse to believe they will end, but just in case, I live in the moment, and I must say I have really enjoyed the TV series and I, especially, have really enjoyed watching it all together, after having had our dinner, while sitting on the sofa. Strange occurrences, mysteries, loyalty and a bit of everything to keep our eyes on the TV, discuss what is going to happen and wait, anxiously, for the next day to watch the following chapter.

School has begun again, we’ve finished watching the TV series, but much more is on its way, so I’ve recommended my son a book, since it made me feel the same ‘‘fear’’, that same tension, I felt when watching Stranger Things. It was XAVIER GUAL’S LA NOIA DE LA CARAVANA (The Motorhome Girl), winner of the Ramon Muntaner Award in 2017 published by Fanbooks, and that I can assure you you’ll be hooked from the very beginning. There are no strange occurrences, but mystery is present through the development of the novel, taking place in an abandoned camp in the middle of the woods, where Laura and Kilian spend the night. Laura isn’t in good spirits, and when she wakes up she discovers Kilian is missing and she soon begins to discover some successes that will risk her life. However, she is able to overcome her fears until she finds out what is really going on.

A very well written, well composed, in the author’s own personal style, which won’t disappoint anyone, young or adult, because it’s a work suitable for all readers, one of those you begin to read on a Friday and finish on a Sunday because you just cannot take your hands off it. As in the TV series, you need to know what is about to happen next… What else could you ask for? Even more, what is better, not only TV series are able to hook us, this magnificent book achieves so too, and really successfully what is amazing; so there you go, high voltage reading for everyone.

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