‘El imperio de los leones’, by Sebastià Bennasar, shortlisted for the best noir book in the VLCNegra 2017
The novel El imperio de los leones, by Sebastià Bennasar, has been shortlisted for the best noir book of 2017 in the Noir Valencia Festival.
The Noir Valencia Festival (VLCNegra 2017) is a cultural festival that gathers each year tens of creators, mostly writers, around the noir genre. Among the activities, three Awards are given.
Each year, the festival selects the best novels from the previous edition so that the public can vote their winners. Since 4th of April to 4th of May, the readers can vote via the festival’s website for a candidate in each of the three categories.
The verdict of the popular jury will be revealed in the closing ceremony on Saturday, May 13th.
If you’ve enjoyed El imperio de los leones, by Sebastià Bennasar, don’t hesitate to vote to get him to win the festival. You can do it via this link: