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Author: Sandra Bruna Thursday 17 March 2016

Did you know that the Japanese say that everyone has an IKIGAI, a reason to live? If I think of what my reason to live is, I can’t chose just one, so I think I haven’t found IKIGAI yet, but according to the people of Okinawa, THE ISLAND WITH THE MOST LONG-LIVED PEOPLE ON EARTH, the best kept secret is how they find IKIGAI, the joy of always being busy, and discovering what gives meaning to their existence and pushes them to live a hundred years in great shape; physically, mentally and what’s most important, emotionally.


Without a vibrant and optimistic experience, life may lose its meaning. Reading this great book that Francesc Miralles and Héctor García (Kirai) have just published, I’ve discovered many things I didn’t know, especially the meaning of IKIGAI, and that having a clear and defined Ikigai, a great passion, is something that gives satisfaction, happiness and meaning to life. You can find it with this book, as well as discovering many keys to Japanese philosophy for a long and healthy body, mind and soul. To me, this book is a delight; not just because my friend and wonderful author, Francesc Miralles, with whom I’ve already shared a great load of success, a lot of feelings and a long literary life together, told me that this project would be a success, which we still don’t know because it’s been in Bookstores for a week, but to me it already is. In less than a week I was able to sell it to 17 languages, a great bliss, so like many times before, Francesc nailed it, he’s a master of life, someone who’s ahead of the events and helps me find a meaning to my job.

The book gave me the chance to meet Héctor, who’s a special person without doubt, in the best of ways, and to get to know the laws of IKIGAI; “laws” that seem easy and that we should all understand very well, because they seem obvious, but most of us are incapable of following them all. It’s really giving value to the simple things that makes each person’s life be better: smiling, saying thank you, being surrounded by good friends, staying in shape, keeping active, and knowing how to prioritize. Following your IKIGAI, or maybe discovering it, because it’s still hidden, will give you that impulse you need to give it your best every day, and that meaning to life that we all need to keep going. We only have one life, one chance, and the best thing to do is to enjoy the trip. Will you join me?

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