Here’s a true diary that seems to belong to a fictional character. The author has spent two years following a Catalan man who travels around the world saying that “nothing is real” and “we live in a dream”. His name is Enric Corbera, he fills up concert halls in Spain and Latin America and his YouTube videos have millions of views.
At the same time, the author shows his interest for non-duality, the Advaita and the book Un curso de milagros. And he investigates up to what point; like many of his followers claim; can Enric Corbera perform miracles.
But Enric Corbera is also followed by doctors, and his method is taught in universities across Latin America. Even so, are we looking at a real miracle worker? Is he enlightened? A guru? What’s behind the Corbera phenomenon? These questions fill up the book, which shows a way of seeing life that’s radically different to others.
This is a diary about what’s spiritual and what’s non-tangible. And about the path of consciousness that people lead – more people every day – convinced that we’re all one and we don’t exist as individuals.