A manual to win your daily matches.
Football is ubiquitous in our lives. It occupies a huge portion of the news as well as the leisure time of millions of people. However, it is more than a ball moving on the field in search of the rival goal.
This lucid manual draws on the philosophy of the best coaches and players of all times in order to “train” us for the challenges in our lives. Sometimes we can make use of the “jogo bonito”, while other situations would benefit from a “catenaccio”, or us waiting for the counterattack.
Going from Cruyff to Guardiola and Mourinho, along with several other football geniouses, this is the roundest and freshest of all self-help guides ever published. Pensar con los pies (Thinking With The Feet) is an invitation to wander less around and shoot more at goal to achieve what we yearn for.