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Italiano: Feltrinelli
Polaco: Znak
Coreano: CharlieBook
Portugués (Portugal): Presença
Brasileño: Rocco
Chino complejo: YILIN PRESS
Japonés: Shobunsha
Griego: Patakis
Lituano: Tyto Alba
Castellano: Planeta
Catalán: Planeta
Rumano: Polirom


Genre: Young Adult Novel
Topic: Young
Number of pages: 208

Niko, a 14 years old lonely boy, cannot imagine the consequences that will bring changing one single day his way to school. By following a different route, he finds a house that he has never seen before. Drawn by the mystery, he steps into it and gets immersed in a strange universe. In the Quantum World amazing things happen: a war between matter and antimatter, the Schrödinger’s cat disappearances or a clock’s workshop where the relativity of time is tested. Involved in this unexpected adventure, Niko’s mission will be to restore the balance, now in danger, between his world and the quantum universe that he has just discovered.

This is an exciting and illuminating fable targeted at children from 9 to 99 years old; a story that illustrates with incredible simplicity the mysteries of the universe written by a young doctor in quantum physics that has worked in the most prestigious research centres of the world.

“In this novel, Sonia mixes, for the first time, fantasy and quantum physics; and turns science into something enjoyable and attractive for all readers”. Dr. Muhammad Yunus (Peace Nobel Price).

La puerta de los tres cerrojos is called to be a classic science-informative fiction book.


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