«I consider myself an agnostic friend of religions, an admirer of religions», says Vicenç Villatoro. “I am a skeptical Christian; a Christian that searches, someone who tries to understand better his beliefs”, says Francesc Torralba.
Over forty letters – twenty by correspondent – Francesc Torralba ans Vicenç Villatoro talk about questions such as God created or Creator God, the sacred and the profane, the religious sphere and the public sphere, death and consolation, ethics without God, beauty, the mystery of evil, the transmission of values and convictions, the existence of Christians, the ability to hold and spirituality without faith.
It is a dialogue of ideas, but also of experiences, written during half year, between the beginning of Summer holidays and Christmas celebrations. The letters crossed between Torralba and Villatoro face not only a believer and a non-believer, but also a philosopher and a writer, a theologian and a journalist.