Allan Percy (California, 1959) is a coaching expert and writer of self-improvement manuals. During his long career he has collaborated with such highly reputed professionals as Elisabeth Kübler-Ross or Foster Hibbard, and his charm and sensitiveness have earned him many followers around the world. Currently he also moonlights as a consultant for self-help publishers, while travelling all over the world seeking new sources of inspiration for his books.
He is the author of: Conecta con la felicidad (Connect with Happinness, Luciérnaga, 2007), La magia de los gatos (The Magic of Cats, Luciérnaga, 2009), Nietzsche para estresados (Nietzsche for Stressed People, Debolsillo, 2009), La escafandra del optimista (The Diving Bell of the Optimist, Debolsillo, 2009), El buen tiempo del corazón (The Heart’s Good Time, Zenith, 2010), La cura del lobo estepario (The Steppenwolf’s Cure, Luciérnaga, 2011), El coaching de Oscar Wilde (Oscar Wilde’s Coaching, Debolsillo, 2011), Kafka para agobiados (Kafka for Overwhelmed People, Debolsillo, 2013), Einstein para despistados (Einstein for Absent-Minded People, Debolsillo, 2014), Shakespeare para enamorados (Shakespeare for lovers, Debolsillo, 2015) more recently, Platón para soñadores.